一般性问题 General Questions
How did you come to know the Lord?
What do you believe about your calling from God? What kind of service do you think God is leading you into?
Do you desire to serve as an elder? If so, why?
If you’re married, what does your wife think about the possibility of you serving as an elder?
Tell us about your immediate family. If you’re married, how is marriage going? If you have children, how are they doing? If you’re married but don’t have children, please tell us why that is. (In all this, please be brief.)
What are your regular habits of personal devotion? How many times a week do you read the Bible, pray, and have a devotion?
What are your habits of family worship? How many times a week do you read the Bible, pray, and have a devotion with your wife together?
Are your children Christians? What kind of people are your children married to? (Christian? Non-Christian? “Nominal Christian”?)
Do you give regularly to the church?
Do you have any near-term plans to leave CHBC?
Do you wholeheartedly agree with NWCBC’s statement of faith and church covenant?
Do you wholeheartedly agree with NWCBC’s church polity? (Church membership and discipline, congregational authority, plural elder leadership, deacons as servants of the church.)
Is there anything in NWCBC’s teaching ministry and overall ethos that you disagree with or have serious questions about? (For instance, what is taught in topical Core Seminars.)
Should you be nominated as an elder, are you aware of any members of the church who would likely vote no or otherwise oppose your candidacy?
2. 品格性问题 Character Questions
To the best of your ability to discern, do you think you meet the qualifications for elders given in 1 Timothy 3:1–7 and Titus 1:5–9?
In the last twelve months, have you intentionally accessed sexually explicit material of any kind?
How do you see pride or arrogance manifest itself in your life? Also, how do you try to cultivate and practice humility?
As you look at your life and leadership, what do you see as some areas of weakness?
Are you unreconciled to anyone? Is there anyone at GCF that you struggle getting along with?
Would your wife, children, and coworkers describe you as a “Gentle, not quarrelsome” people? (Ask them, then sharing their answers)
When was the last time you admitted you were wrong to your wife?
When was the last time you or your wife yelled at your children?
Do you struggle with anger? If so describe what you are doing to kill this sin.
Please list the names of 3 coworkers/employees/employers for reference? Include emails and phone numbers. Make sure that at least one of your references is from a non-Christian “outsider”.
教义性问题 Doctrinal Questions
圣经The Bible(包括:权柄,无误性,无谬性,全备性,何为正典等。)
圣父God the Father
圣子God the Son
圣灵God the Holy Spirit
人及其罪性Man and its sinful nature
福音The Gospel
末后的事The Last Things
教会The Church
命礼(主餐和浸礼)Lord’s ordinance
性别角色与互补主义Gender Roles & a. Complementarianism(包括家庭中的性别角色,和教会中的性别角色)
灵恩派运动The Charismatic Movement(包括你对属灵恩赐的看法,属灵恩赐的延续与终止,你认为圣经在这方面是如何教导的)
教会成员制Church Membership
教会纪律Church Discipline
基督教心理学及其对教会的影响Christian Psychology and its use and impact in the church
多堂崇拜的教会和多堂点教会 Multi-service or multi-site church
限定性原则Regulative Principle
离婚与再婚的立场Divorce & Remarriage
生育控制Birth Control
加尔文五要点 是什么,你对此认同吗?What is TULIP? Do you have a good grasp on those terms?
如果上帝命定万事,我们为何祷告?(If God has decreed all things, why should we pray?)
如果上帝命定万事,我们为何传福音?(If God has decreed all things, why should we evangelise?)
4. 文化性问题 Cultural Questions
How would you describe your satisfaction in your employment?
Are there any current circumstances in your job, family, schedule, or other responsibilities that would make it difficult for you to serve as an elder?
(2)请描述你和你同事的关系Describe your relationships with your co-workers.
Would any of your co-workers or neighbors be surprised that you were becoming or were an elder of your church? Explain.
How many hours per week do you work, including commute?
When was the last time you had a gospel conversation with an unbeliever?
Who are the unbelievers that you are close friends with in life? How are you influencing them with the gospel?
Name three authors you have read within the last 12 months.
5. 事工性问题 Ministry Questions
What is your understanding of the primary roles and responsibilities of an Elder as defined by Scripture?
If you became an Elder, are there any responsibilities you feel you may not be able to meet?
Which responsibility do you believe you are most gifted in?
Describe how you would handle a situation in which you were on the minority side of an issue being decided by the Elders and you had strong convictions about your position.
If you become an elder at NWCBC, are you willing and able to submit to the whole body of elders when they make a decision you disagree with?
How many hours per week do you have available to devote to church ministry?
Can you give us any examples how you’re already serving NWCBC in elder-like ways? (For instance: hospitality, discipling, teaching, counseling.)
Have you ever discipled anyone? If so, who, how long and describe what that discipling relationship looked like.
Who are some of the people in our church that you have recently invited into your home? Besides your close friends, who have you had into your home recently?
6. 给妻子们的问题 Questions for the wives
What are your general thoughts about your husband becoming an elder?
In what way(s) does your husband demonstrate spiritual leadership in the home?
What character quality do you appreciate most about your husband?
What character quality would you like to see further developed in your husband?
Are there any remaining questions or concerns that you have about your husband’s becoming an elder?
I now acknowledge that all answers to the following questions are true. I have honestly sought to examine my heart, my life and my relationships and believe these answers to be the best representation of reality in all areas. I sign this in good conscience before God.
1. 会众可以随时向长老团(目前是长执会,下同)建议他们心目中合适的长老人选;
2. 长老团应该在每次例行会议中保留一段行政会议(闭门会议)时间,讨论潜在合适的长老人选;并按照规程为这位候选人举行第一次投票;
3. 长老团应该定期围绕培养新长老的事宜举行新长老培训项目;
4. 长老团应该定期与潜在的新长老人选进行沟通,询问对方的意愿;
5. 长老团应该酌情发放新长老问卷调查,并要求对方在两个月内完成这份问卷;
6. 长老团应该定期审核收到的问卷,并继续讨论合适的长老人选;
7. 如果长老团初步同意某合适的人选,则长老团可以与该弟兄进行进一步面谈;
8. 如果一切沟通妥当,长老团应该在行政会议中为这位候选人发起第二次投票;
9. 如果一切沟通妥当,则长老团应该在任何一次成员会议上,至少提前两个月向会众发表提名,请会众审核长老团的新长老人选提名,并邀请会众私下给出反对意见和理由;
10. 如果长老团没有收到明显的对于新长老人选的指控或反对,则应该下一次成员会议中发起投票;
11. 会众投票应为纸质投票,投票时,候选长老应该回避;投票门槛为四分之三赞成票,方可通过。
12. 之后,教会应该在全教会聚会的情况下,由在职长老一起按立新就职的长老。
Do you reaffirm your faith in Jesus Christ as your own personal Lord and Savior? I do.
Do you believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the Word of God, totally trustworthy, fully inspired by the Holy Spirit, the supreme, final, and the only infallible rule of faith and practice? I do.
Do you sincerely believe the Statement of Faith and Covenant of this church contain the truth taught in the Holy Scripture? I do.
Do you promise that if at any time you find yourself out of accord with any of the statements in the Statement of Faith and Covenant you will on your own initiative make known to the pastor and other elders the change which has taken place in your views since your assumption of this vow? I do.
Do you subscribe to the government and discipline of Northwest Chinese Baptist Chuch of Houston? I do.
Do you promise to submit to your fellow elders in the Lord? I do, with God’s help.
Have you been induced, as far as you know your own heart, to accept the office of elder from love of God and sincere desire to promote His glory in the Gospel of His Son? I have.
Do you promise to be zealous and faithful in promoting the truths of the Gospel and the purity and peace of the Church, whatever persecution or opposition may arise to you on that account? I do, with God’s help.
Will you be faithful and diligent in the exercise of all your duties as elder, whether personal or relative, private or public, and will you endeavor by the grace of God to adorn the profession of the Gospel in your manner of life, and to walk with exemplary piety before this congregation? I will, by the grace of God.
Are you now willing to take personal responsibility in the life of this congregation as an elder to oversee the ministry and resources of the church, and to devote yourself to prayer, the ministry of the Word and the shepherding of God’s flock, relying upon the grace of God, in such a way that Capitol Hill Baptist Church, and the entire Church of Jesus Christ will be blessed? I am, with the help of God.
To the Congregation (Will the members please stand):
Do you, the members of Capital Hill Baptist, acknowledge and publicly receive this man as elder, as a gift of Christ to this church? We do.
Will you love them and pray for them in their ministry, and work together with them humbly and cheerfully, that by the grace of God you may accomplish the mission of the church, giving him all due honor and support in his leadership to which the Lord has called him, to the glory and honor of God? We will, by the grace of God.
Close with Prayer
Northwest Chinese Baptist Church of Houston Elder Board By-Laws
第一条 总则
Article 1. General
第1节 本规程应从属于休士顿西北华人浸信会章程。
Section 1. These By-Laws shall be subordinate to the Constitution of Northwest Chinese Baptist Church of Houston.
第2节 西北华人浸信会长老团的行动应按合理的秩序。(1)本规程未另行规定的任何问题应由在任何一次会议上出席并就该问题投票的长老以多数票决定。(2)除非本规程中任何条款另有规定,否则弃权应视为缺席并因此从总票数中扣除。(3)除非最初就该问题投票的团体中多数同意重新审议,否则投票应视为最终结果;(4)此类重新审议的动议必须由最初投多数票当中的或者并未就该问题投票的一位长老提出。
Section 2. The Elder Board of Northwest Chinese Baptist Church of Houston shall proceed according to a reasonable order. (1) Any question not otherwise governed by these By-Laws shall be determined by a majority vote of the Elders present and voting on the question at any meeting. (2) Except as otherwise specified by any Article of these By-Laws, abstentions shall be considered as absences and therefore deducted from the total number of votes, (3) and Votes shall be considered Final unless a majority of the Body which originally voted on the Question agrees to Reconsider; (4) such a Motion to Reconsider must be made by an Elder who voted with the original Majority or who did not vote on the question.
第3节 长老团的法定人数应定义为依照本规程第3条亲身到场聚会的全体长老的多数,本法规中任何条款另有规定的情况除外。
Section 3. A Quorum of the Elder Board shall be defined as a Majority of the Full Number of Elders, gathered physically in accordance with Article 3 of these By-Laws, except as otherwise specified by any Article of these By-Laws.
第4节 除非本法规中任何条款另有规定,长老必须亲身到场才能投票。就本法规而言,“出席”应定义为亲身到场。
Section 4. Except as otherwise specified by any Article of these By-Laws, Elders must be physically present in order to Vote. For the purposes of these By-Laws, “present” shall be defined as physically present.
第5节 全体长老应定义为所有目前在职的长老,而不仅是出席者。一致同意应定义为全体长老一致同意,本法规另有规定的地方除外。可以通过通信方式进行全体投票,并获得一致同意。
Section 5. The Full Number of Elders shall be defined as all currently serving Elders, not merely those present. Unanimous Consent shall be defined as the unanimous agreement of the Full Number of Elders, except where otherwise specified in these By-Laws. Votes of the Full Number may be taken, and Unanimous Consent may be obtained, by Correspondence.
第6节 除非本法规另有规定,对于具有时间敏感性且无争议的问题,长老们可以通过通信方式代替开会来处理事务。通信表决应在任何一位长老对任何一项事务提出动议和附议后发起。通信表决的最终结果,或应在发起一天后由该问题上的多数票决定,或当全体长老的三分之二多数决定时立即产生。任何长老都可以在通信表决仍未结束时,通过向主席申诉,将问题提交长老团的下一次会议。
Section 6. Except as otherwise specified by these By-Laws, in lieu of a meeting and on questions of a time-sensitive nature and expected to be non-controversial, the Elders may conduct business by Correspondence. A Vote by Correspondence shall be initiated upon the motion and second of any item of business by any Elder. A Vote by Correspondence shall be considered Final one day after initiation, at which point the question shall be decided by a majority of those voting, or immediately when the question has been decided by a Two-Thirds Majority of the Full Number of Elders. Any Elder may, while a vote by Correspondence is still open and by appeal to the Chairman, refer the question to the next Meeting of the Board.
第2条 职员
Article 2 Officers
第1节 根据本章程3.3节的定义,主任牧师应担任长老团的主席和秘书。他的职责应根据惯例和本法规的规定来定义。
Section 1. The Senior Pastor, as defined by §3.3 of the Constitution, shall serve as the Chairman and Secretary of the Elder Board. His duties shall be as defined by custom and the provisions of these By-Laws.
第2节 主席应任命一位副主席,该副主席不得是本教会的全职雇员,其任期至新的副主席被任命为止。副主席在预算编制过程中应担任薪酬工作组的主席,他也应根据主席的决定主持长老会议。
Section 2. The Chairman shall appoint a Vice-Chairman, who shall not be a full-time employee of the church, and who shall hold office until a new Vice Chairman is appointed. The Vice Chairman shall serve as chairman of the Compensation Task Force during the budget process, and he shall chair Elders’ Meetings at the Chairman’s discretion.
第3节 主席和副主席应始终保留与其他每个长老相当的就任何问题采取行动的权利。
Section 3. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall retain at all times the right to act on any question, commensurate with every other Elder.
第4节 根据教会章程第3.3.4节,主席可以任命一位代表来担任任何一次成员大会的主持人。这个人可以是,但不必须是副主席。
Section 4. Pursuant to §2.2.4 of the Constitution, the Chairman may appoint a Representative to serve as Moderator of any Members’ Meeting. This may be, but is not required to be, the Vice-Chairman.
第5节 主任牧师可以以其秘书之职,任命一位助理来保存、汇编和归档长老团的会议记录,该助理不必须是长老。每次长老会议都应保存会议记录,包括出席记录,长老团召开行政会议时除外。会议记录应在每次会议后七天内提供给所有长老。
Section 5. In his capacity as Secretary, the Senior Pastor may appoint an Assistant, not necessarily an Elder, to keep, compile, and archive the Minutes of the Board. Minutes, including Attendance Records, shall be kept for every Meeting of the Board, except when the Board is in Executive Session. Minutes shall be made available to all Elders within seven days of every meeting.
第6节 在主任牧师职位空缺的情况下,长老们应选出一位临时主席。
Section 6. In the event of a vacancy in the Senior Pastorate, the Elders shall elect an Interim Chairman.
第7节 长老团不得设立其他职位。
Section 7. No other Officers of the Board shall be recognized.
第3条 聚会
Section 1. Regular Meetings of the Board shall be scheduled upon the recommendation of the Chairman and the consent of a Majority of the Elders present and voting on the question. The Regular Meetings of the Board shall take place at least once in every month, and additionally for at least five minutes immediately prior to every Members’ Meeting. The public announcements of Members’ Meetings and the Minutes of the Board, duly delivered according to §2.5 of these By-Laws, shall constitute due Notice of Regular Meetings.
第2节 长老团特别会议应在全体长老中的多数向主席提出申请后一周内召开,或由主席自行决定召开。
Section 2. A Special Meeting of the Board shall be called within one week of the application of a Majority of the Full Number of Elders to the Chairman, or at the Chairman’s discretion.
第3节 任何未提前至少两天向每位长老发出通知的长老团会议不得召开,除非得到长老们的一致同意。
Section 3. No Meeting of the Board shall be held without Notice of such Meeting being given to every Elder at least two days in advance, except by Unanimous Consent.
第4节 长老团不得拒绝任何长老出席长老团的任何一次会议或其中的任何一段议程,除非他本人同意或全体长老中四分之三的人同意,本规程第6条中所规定的情况除外。即使长老团正式拒绝一位长老出席任何一次会议,该会议的通知仍须发送给所有长老。
Section 4. The Board may not exclude any Elder from any Meeting of the Board, or any portion thereof, without his consent or the concurrence of three-quarters of the Full Number of Elders, except as directed in Article 6 of these By-Laws. Even if an Elder is to be duly excluded by the Board, notice of any meeting must still be given to all Elders.
Section 5 Visitors may be invited to Meetings of the Board by a Majority Vote of the Elders, or by the Chairman or Vice-Chairman without objection from any other Elder.
第6节 在任何一次会议期间,经出席并在该问题上投票的多数长老同意,或由主席在没有任何其他长老反对的情况下自行决定,长老团都可以进入行政会议,行政会议的定义为长老团成员的秘密会议。长老团可以以相同的程序退出行政会议。长老团必须在每次例行会议中至少一次进入行政会议至少五分钟,在成员大会前召开的会议除外。在行政会议期间,所有事务应井然有序地按本法规而行。只能在行政会议中提名新长老。行政会议不得进行会议纪录。经出席的长老一致同意,访客可以被邀请参加行政会议。
Section 6. During any Meeting, the Board may enter Executive Session, defined as a Private Session of the Board Members, by majority vote of the Elders present and voting on the question, or at the discretion of the Chairman without objection by any other Elder. The Board may exit Executive Session by the same procedure. The Board must enter Executive Session at least once in every Regular Meeting for at least five minutes, those meetings held immediately before Members’ Meetings being excepted. All business shall be in order during Executive Session, subject to these By-Laws. The nomination of new Elders may occur only in Executive Session. Minutes shall not be taken of proceedings in Executive Session. By unanimous consent of the Elders present, visitors may be invited to Executive Session.
第7节 经任何一位长老向主席提出请求,任何一项讨论或事务都应提交行政会议。
Section 7. Upon the request of any Elder to the Chairman, any item of discussion or business shall be referred to Executive Session.
第8节 长老退修会——定义为在9月1日到12月31日期间举办的至少连续18小时的会议,并在周六上午4点前结束——应在每个日历年举办一次。退修会应通过长老投票安排,最迟于每年8月15日完成,并符合以下要求: 只有按教会章程第4.3节选出的每一位长老都可以出席的日期才符合条件;如果没有,则选择有最多长老可出席的日期为退修会日期;在人数相同的情况下,在符合条件的最早日期应为退修会日期。退修会的举办应根据长老们在投票期间声称的出席能力,而不是他们实际的出席能力。退修会应视为行政会议,出席退修会的长老应构成法定人数,本法规第6条规定的问题除外。主席应决定退修会的议程。在退修会期间,所有事务应井然有序地按本法规而行。
Section 8. An Elders’ Retreat—defined as a meeting lasting at least eighteen consecutive hours, held between September 1 and December 31, and passing through 4am on a Saturday morning—shall be held once every calendar year. A Retreat shall be scheduled by means of a Poll of the Elders, to be completed no later than August 15 of each year and according to the following requirements: Only those dates which can be attended by every Elder elected under §4.3 of the Church Constitution shall be eligible; after that, the eligible date with the most available Elders shall be the date of the Retreat; in case of a tie, the earliest eligible date engaged in the tie shall be the date of the Retreat. The Retreat shall be held according to the Elders’ declared ability to attend during the Poll, not their actual ability to attend. The Retreat shall be considered Executive Session, and the Elders present at the Retreat shall constitute a Quorum, except for questions governed under Article 6 of these By-Laws. The Chairman shall decide the agenda for the Retreat. All business shall be in order during the Retreat, subject to these By-Laws.
第4条 期望
Article 4. Expectations
第1节 期望中每位长老应至少出席三分之二的长老团会议,包括例行会议和特别会议,在成员大会之前召开的会议除外。若连续12个月未能做到这一点,长老团应正式考虑对其重新提名,谴责,请求辞职或提出免职建议。
Section 1. Each Elder shall be expected to be present for at least Two-Thirds of the Meetings of the Board, both Regular and Special, excepting those held immediately prior to Members’ Meetings. Failure to do so over a consecutive twelve-month period shall be duly considered by the Board in the matter of Re-nomination, Censure, Request for Resignation, or Recommendation for Removal.
第5条 预算流程
Article 5. Budget Process
Section 1. Pursuant to the Constitution §5.4, the Elders shall present an approved Proposed Budget to the Supervisor of Finance at least one week before the penultimate Members’ Meeting of each Fiscal Year. In the event of a failure by the Elders to approve a new Proposed Budget in time, the most recent Budget adopted by the Church, with its amendments, shall be presented to the Supervisor of Finance as the approved Proposed Budget.
第2节 制定和通过预算提案的流程,包括预算会议法定人数的定义,应遵循“西北华人浸信会预算流程”的规定,该流程可由全体长老的多数修订。(注:我们还没有这项流程,未来将会制定。)
Section 2. The process of creating and adopting a Proposed Budget, including the definition of a Quorum for Budget Meetings, shall be governed by the “NWCBC Budget Process,” which may be amended by a Majority of the Full Number of Elders.
第3节 作为预算流程的一部分,并且经出席西北华人浸信会预算流程所规定的会议并就该问题投票的长老们同意后,副主席应任命一个薪酬工作组,由副主席担任主席,人员包括财务监督,没有全职长老,没有其他非长老(或执事),不超过三位其他长老,并且整个工作组大多数成员不在本教会受薪。薪酬特别工作组的唯一职责是参考主任牧师的意见向长老团建议教会同工的薪酬方案,其定义为工资加住房津贴,在提交报告后工作组应立即解散。
Section 3. As part of the budget process, and upon the consent of the Elders present and voting on the question at the meeting prescribed by the NWCBC Budget Process, the Vice-Chairman shall appoint a Compensation Task Force to be chaired by the Vice Chairman, and to include the Supervisor of Finance, no full-time staff elders, no other non-elder or deacon, not more than three other elders or deacons, and a majority of the entire task force not being in the pay of the church. The sole responsibility of the Compensation Task Force shall be to recommend to the Board, with the advice of the Senior Pastor, Compensation packages, defined as Salary plus Housing, for the church’s staff, and after its report it shall immediately dissolve.
第4节 预算提案应由全体长老的多数批准并推荐给财务监督。
Section 4. A Proposed Budget shall be approved and recommended to the Supervisor of Finance by a Majority of the Full Number of Elders.
第6条 新长老的提名
Article 6. Nomination of New Elders
第1节 本法规应从属于本教会章程的第4章。
Section 1. These By-Laws shall be subordinate to Article 4 of the Church Constitution.
第2节 新长老的提名应由全体长老进行两次投票,第一次是向潜在候选人发出“潜在长老问卷”,第二次进行提名。根据本条款的投票应在行政会议上进行,并且只有在达到全体长老人数的四分之三的法定出席人数时才能进行。对于根据本规程第6.5节进行的投票,正在审议的长老不应算在法定人数中,也不计入其总人数。
Section 2. The Nomination of a New Elder shall proceed with two Votes by the Full Number of Elders, the first to send the potential Nominee the “Questionnaire for Potential Elders,” and the second to Nominate. Votes under this Article shall take place in Executive Session and only when a Quorum of three-quarters of the Full Number of Elders is present. For Votes under §6.5 of these By-Laws, the Elder under consideration shall not be considered in the calculation of the Quorum, nor counted toward its fulfillment.
第3节 向潜在的候选人发出问卷的投票应按以下方式进行:在任何一次有法定人数出席的行政会议期间,应由一位长老提出潜在长老候选人的名字。在讨论过后,主席应询问是否有长老投反对票;如果有人同时举手宣布反对,则提案被否决;若没有,则主席应询问是否有长老弃权;如果同时举手宣布弃权者达到全体长老人数的五分之一,则提案被否决;若没有,主席应确认所有其他出席的长老都投票赞成。如果提案仍未被否决,则必须立即将提案通知任何未出席的长老,并允许其在24小时内投票。未出席的长老可以进行通信表决,但任何未参与表决的长老应视为弃权。有一张否决票或弃权票达到全体长老人数的五分之一,则不得发送问卷。否则,应将问卷发给潜在候选人。
Section 3. The Vote to send a potential Nominee the Questionnaire shall proceed as follows: During any Executive Session, and a Quorum being present, an Elder shall Propose the name of a potential Nominee for Elder. After discussion, the Chairman shall ask if any Elder votes Nay; if a Nay is declared by simultaneous show of hands, the proposal fails; if not, then the Chairman shall ask if any Elder Abstains; if Abstentions amounting to one-fifth of the Full Number of Elders are declared by simultaneous show of hands, the proposal fails; if not, the Chairman shall confirm that all other Elders present vote Yea. If the proposal survives, any Elder not present must be notified of the proposal immediately and allowed to cast a vote within twenty-four hours. Elders not present may vote by Correspondence, but any Elder not voting shall be considered to have Abstained. One Nay or Abstentions amounting to one-fifth of the Full Number of Elders shall prevent the sending of the Questionnaire. Otherwise, the Questionnaire shall be sent to the potential nominee.
第4节 提名新长老的投票应按以下方式进行:在任何一次有法定人数出席的行政会议期间,应由一位长老提出潜在长老候选人的名字,前提是他已交回填妥的问卷,并且长老们有一天的考虑时间。在讨论过后,主席应询问是否有长老投反对票;如果有人同时举手宣布反对,则提案不通过;若没有,则主席应询问是否有长老弃权;如果同时举手宣布弃权者达到全体长老人数的五分之一,则提案不通过;若没有,主席应确认所有其他出席的长老都投票赞成。如果提案仍未被否决,则必须立即将提案通知任何未出席的长老,并允许其在24小时内投票。未出席的长老可以进行通信表决,但任何未参与表决的长老应视为弃权。有一张否决票或弃权票达到全体长老人数的五分之一,则不得进行提名。否则,该候选人应根据本章程提交给教会进行选举。
Section 4. The Vote to Nominate a New Elder shall proceed as follows: During any Executive Session, and a Quorum being present, an Elder shall Propose the name of a potential Nominee for Elder, provided he has returned the completed Questionnaire and the Elders have had one day to consider it. After discussion, the Chairman shall ask if any Elder votes Nay; if a Nay is declared by simultaneous show of hands, the proposal fails; if not, then the Chairman shall ask if any Elder Abstains; if Abstentions amounting to one-fifth of the Full Number of Elders are declared by simultaneous show of hands, the proposal fails; if not, the Chairman shall confirm that all other Elders present vote Yea. If the proposal survives, any Elder not present must be notified of the proposal immediately and allowed to cast a vote within twenty-four hours. Elders not present may vote by Correspondence, but any Elder not voting shall be considered to have Abstained. One Nay or Abstentions amounting to one-fifth of the Full Number of Elders shall prevent the Nomination. Otherwise, the nominee shall be presented to the church for election pursuant to the Constitution.
第5节 任何任期届满并根据本教会章程第4.3.3节有连任资格的长老,应自动进入表决,表决在时间安排上应防止其长老职位出现任何空档期,并遵循本规程第6.4节的规定,但不应要求他填写问卷,除非出席并投票的长老中的多数票决议另有指示。
Section 5. Any Elder finishing his term and eligible for re-election pursuant to §4.3.3 of the Church Constitution shall receive an automatic Vote, timed so as to prevent any gap in his eldership, and governed by §6.4 of these By-Laws, except that he shall not be required to complete the Questionnaire unless otherwise directed by a Majority vote of the Elders present and voting.
第6节 其他任何人不得自动进入表决,而只有在完成本规程第6.2-4节所述的整个提名流程后才能被提名。
Section 6. No other Person shall receive an automatic Vote, but shall be nominated only upon the completion of the entire Nomination process described in §6.2-4 of these By-Laws.
第7节 任何在提名审议中或重新提名为长老的人,不得出席有关他的投票流程,他也不得知道其中的讨论或流程。根据本规程第6.5节审议的长老只应知道他是否被重新提名以及该决议原因的大体情况,但具体长老的投票情况不得透露。
Section 7. No Person under consideration for nomination or re-nomination as an Elder shall be present for the Vote process concerning him, and he shall not be privy to the discussions or proceedings therein. An Elder considered under §6.5 of these By-Laws shall be privy only to whether or not he will be renominated and a general description of the reasons for the decision, but the votes of particular Elders shall not be revealed.
第8节 根据本规程第6条进行的投票应视为最终结果,直到:a)长老们一致同意重新审议一个提案;b)宣布召开一次新的长老团正式会议。
Section 8. Votes taken under Article 6 of these By-Laws shall be considered Final until a) the Elders by Unanimous Consent agree to reconsider a Proposal; or b) a new duly-called Meeting of the Board is called to order.
第9节 长老团在根据本规程第6条规定的流程中进行的投票和审议均应被视为严格保密。除长老团一致同意的明确指示外,根据本规程第7条,任何违反该保密规定的行为应被视为谴责、请求辞职或提出免职建议的理由。
Section 9. Both the Votes and the Deliberations of the Board during proceedings under Article 6 of these By-Laws shall be considered Strictly Confidential. Except when explicitly directed by Unanimous Consent of the Board, any Violation of that Confidentiality shall be considered grounds for Censure, a Request for Resignation, or a Recommendation for Removal, pursuant to Article 7 of these By-Laws.
第7条 惩戒
Article 7. Discipline
第1节 本法规应从属于本教会章程的第4章第8条
Section 1. These By-Laws shall be subordinate to §4.8 of the Church Constitution.
第2节 长老会可在全体长老的多数表决后对任何长老进行谴责。若要在下一次例行成员大会上将谴责向教会报告,则要求第二次全体长老表决的多数票。否则该谴责应一直保密。
Section 2. The Board may Censure any Elder by Majority Vote of the Full Number of Elders. A second Majority Vote of the Full Number of Elders shall be required to report a Censure to the Church at the next Regular Members’ Meeting. Otherwise the Censure shall remain confidential.
第3节 长老会可在全体长老的多数表决后正式请求(但不要求)任何一位长老离职。若要在下一次例行成员大会上将辞职请求向教会报告,则要求第二次全体长老的多数表决。否则该辞职请求应一直保密。
Section 3. The Board may formally Request, but not require, the Resignation of any Elder by Majority Vote of the Full Number of Elders. A second Majority Vote of the Full Number of Elders shall be required to report a Request for Resignation to the Church at the next Regular Members’ Meeting. Otherwise the Request for Resignation shall remain confidential.
第4节 长老会可在全体长老的三分之二表决后正式建议教会将一位长老免职。
Section 4. The Board may formally Recommend to the Church the Removal of an Elder from office by Two-Thirds Vote of the Full Number of Elders.
Article 8. Adoption and Amendment
第1节 本法规应在全体长老的多数同意后予以通过。
Section 1. These By-Laws shall be adopted upon the approval of a Majority of the Full Number of Elders.
第2节 本法规应在全体长老的三分之二表决通过后予以修订。
Section 2. These By-Laws shall be amended upon a Two-Thirds Vote of the Full Number of Elders.